Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm not ready

Some stores this week are having huge baby sales. While in our opinion it's too early to be buying stuff, I'm not ready. I'm afraid. I'm afraid of having more baby stuff in our house. I spent a lot of time in Aidan's room looking at his stuff and that helped, but I don't want more yet. I'm terrified of looking forward to the future too much. The furthest I've gotten is St. Patrick's day and that scares me.
I hate feeling this way. I hate being so afraid of "stuff." I've been pretty calm about everything pregnancy wise, but not so much about this. I know that I need to continue working on this, especially because one of my BFF's showers is coming up in a few months. I still feel guilty about the shower I couldn't go to at the end of February. The mom never made me feel like that and has been totally supportive. So it's just one more thing to add to the list of things to keep working on.

I love you Aidan Christopher and I promise, you're brother or sister won't go running around naked because of my fears.


  1. HUGS. I imagine I'll feel the same way. Soon enough, Nugget will be in your arms and it doesn't matter if he's dressed in a paper will be amazing to just have him. :)

  2. you are doing great!! you are feelin totally normal! :) and i agree with the comment above! you won't care if that baby is in a diaper all day long! i can't wait for you to find out!! :) prayin for you always! xoxox
